
Chatsworth Properties

Take the hassle out of renting

Rent To Rent
Scheme Packages

We become your tenant

Our Lease Agreements

All our lease agreements are variable to fit into your requirements, Already have homecare plans? Let us know.


Try Rent to Rent
  • 3 Months Upfront Rent
  • Fully Managed Service


Commit For A Longer Perod
  • 6 Months Upfront Rent
  • Fully Managed Service


Take the Risk Out of Renting
  • 1 Year Upfront Rent Paid
  • Fully Managed Service

Full property Management

All Our Packages Feature


No Missed Income

On-time payments in full every month, We will even pay some upfront depending on the length of the lease.


No Stress

No more looking for suitable tenants. We take care of all aspects of finding suitable tenants for your property and guarantee you receive rent even if they don’t pay.


No Utility Costs

We take over the full costs of any utilities to the property, taking responsibility ourt of your hands.


No Fees

We don’t charge any set up fees or commission when you lease your property to us.

Looking after your Investment

How we protect your property

We understand as landlords ourselves, the concerns and risks associated with letting a property. We make ensure your property is legally compliant, Insured and contains good quality tenants.

Statutory Certificates

We take responsibility of all statutory certificates required for the property such as gas an electrical safety.

All Legal cost covered

We take responsibility of all statutory certificates required for the property such as gas an electrical safety.

Property Protection

We ensure your property is looked after by covering any damage caused. If the property is empty during repair we cover the cost of loss rental income.

High Quality Tenants

All tenants must provide reference checks and property inspections are done on a regular basis to make sure your property is in good condition.

Take the hassle out of renting your property

Contact Us To Guarantee Your Rental Income

Make late or lost payment a thing of the past.

Get In Touch

Contact Us

We are here to help you 7 days a week and respond within 24 hours. Plus, you can find most answers to your questions right on FAQ page.

General Inquiries​

Contact us using the form provided or alternatively give us a call on